XIIIE Congress of the French Association of Political Economics

Montpellier, July 2-5, 2024


Congress registration is now closed


Dear colleague,

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 2 July for the doctoriales and on Wednesday 3 July for the AFEP general conference.

Here is some practical information to help you get here:


  •  Doctoriales site

The doctoriales take place at the Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 - Site Saint Charles, 71 rue du Professeur Henri Serre in Montpellier.

The Saint Charles site is served by tram lines 1 and 4 (stop "Albert 1er Saint Charles") and bus lines 6 and 7 (stop "Albert 1er cathédrale") and line 10 (stop "Saint-Roch").

  •  Organisation of the day

    • The doctoriales programme is available on the conference website here

    • Parallel workshops: The morning and early afternoon are organised around parallel workshops bringing together more experienced colleagues‧es and doctoral students‧es around methodological issues or more specific themes. Each session includes 3 presentations by PhD students‧es of 20 min, each followed by 10 minutes of discussion between the PhD student‧e, the session chair‧e and the room. Each room will be equipped with a video projector; you can upload your slide show beforehand on a USB key or send it to the session chair‧e.

    • Plenary session : The end of the day will be dedicated to the issues of the thesis and the post-thesis period.

    • For lunch, a buffet is organised in the Cour des marronniers, on the doctoriales site.

    • A convivial moment will be organised in the Cour des Marronniers to bring the doctoriales to a close.


  •  Conference site

The conference takes place at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Montpellier (Richter site), Avenue Raymond Dugrand, Montpellier.

  • Getting to and from the conference site

    • Access by tramway lines :

      • 1 and 4 (stop "Rives du Lez")

      • 3 (stop "Rives du Lez - Consuls de mer").

    • An access map is available on the conference website here

    • Reception will be in the patio on the ground floor, with sessions taking place on the 1st, 3rd and 4th floors.

  • Organisation of the day

    • Full programme available on the conference website here

    • Parallel sessions

      • Each session (lasting 1.5 hours) will feature 3 to 4 papers, with a speaking time of 15 minutes (4-paper session) and 20 minutes (3-paper session), leaving 30 minutes for discussion.

      • Each room will be equipped with a video projector; you can upload your slide show beforehand on a USB key or send it to the session chair‧e.

  • Lunches

    • Lunches take place at the CROUS Restaurant Universitaire (see Richter campus map here), right next to the Faculty of Economics (there will be signs), vegetarian meals are provided.
    • CROUS tickets will be given to you when you arrive. You will need them for lunch. As the tickets have been printed by the CROUS, it will not be possible to print them out if you lose them.
  • Coffee and water breaks

    • Coffee breaks will take place in the patio on the ground floor.

    • Water fountains will be available on the various floors. In accordance with AFEP's ecological charter (see here), "participants‧es will bring their own containers".

  •  Gala dinner

    • For those registered‧es for the gala dinner on Thursday 4 July evening (8pm), this takes place in the winter garden, on the Saint Charles site of the Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3.

    • Access by tram :

      • Trams 1 and 4: "Place Albert 1er - Saint Charles" stop. Access to the site behind the tram stop.

      • 6 stations from the general congress site (Tramway 4, "Rives du Lez" stop, direction "Place Albert 1er - Saint Charles").

      • 9 stations from the general congress site (Tramway 1, "Rives du Lez" stop, direction "Place Albert 1er - Saint Charles").

    • A ticket will be given to registrants‧es when they are welcomed. You will need it to gain access to the gala dinner.

Participants‧es undertake, in all Congress venues and ancillary events, not to make any comments or commit any acts of violence of a sexist or sexual nature. Participants‧es, as victims or witnesses, are encouraged‧es to report cases of sexist and sexual violence to the following persons.

 For the organising committee:

 Pauline Lectard (pauline.lectard@umontpellier.fr)

 Nathalie Magne (nathalie.magne@univ-montp3.fr)

 Lucile Marchand (Congress referent for sexist and sexual violence, lucile.marchand@univ-perp.fr)

 For AFEP :

Élodie Bertrand (Vice-President in charge of inclusiveness and diversity at AFEP, elodie.bertrand@univ-paris1.fr)



 We look forward to welcoming you in the coming days,

 The organising committees of the congress and the doctoriales







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